Proven almost 100,000 times

Countless studies and almost 100,000 cases worldwide have proven: TTA RAPID is state of the art. The Results of TTA RAPID keep up with TPLO.
But it is the easiest system to learn and to perform. Complication rates through human failure as well as technical failure are very low.
More than 50 Cage Sizes
With 54 different cage sizes TTA RAPID is the most flexible surgical technique designed to repair cruciate ligaments.
Tiny Dogs, Cats and Dogs with Short Legs can be treated as well as Large Breed Dogs and even Leopards.
RAPID: Recovery, Surgery & Learning
TTA RAPID implants offer high stability with a less invasive approach. The TTA
RAPID surgery allows for shorter surgery times which provides less of a risk of infection, less anesthesia and less costs.
The open sponge Titanium construct allows for rapid bone growth throughout
the cage..
Patella Luxation + CCL Rupture
TTA RAPID is extremely effective for a patellar luxation in combination with a
cruciate ligament rupture. The uniquely designed Tibia Tappet allows you to
move the tibial tuberosity very accurately and test functionality of the new
position during the surgery, before fixating the screws.
Once you have reached the desired position, you can fixate with the patellar
spacer and screws.
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