Orthopedic Cerclage Wire
Orthopedic Cerclage Wire

Orthopedic Cerclage Wire

Regular price $30.00 Sale

Cerclage Wire, coil, in 10 meter rolls
Product Code Diameter Description
143-1000-06 0.6mm

23 Gauge, weight up to 5 kg, 316 LVM

143-1000-07 0.7mm 22 Gauge, weight up to 7.5 kg, 316 LVM
143-1000-08 0.8mm 21 Gauge, weight up to 10 kg, 316 LVM
143-1000-09 0.9mm 20 Gauge, weight up to 20 kg, 316 LVM
143-1000-10 1.0mm 19 Gauge, weight up to 30 kg, 316 LVM
143-1000-12 1.2mm 18 Gauge, weight up to 50 kg, 316 LVM
143-1000-15 1.5mm 16 Gauge, weight over 50 kg, 316 LVM
143-1000-04,                    0.4mm                            Orthopedic Cerclage Wire 10 meter rolls

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