TTA RAPID® Tiny is designed for tiny animals – especially cats, toy dogs and dogs with short legs needing a wide advancement. The tiny sawguide allows short osteotomies.
Contains: 1 Sterilization Tray with Lid 1 of each Tiny TTA RAPID Cage (12 total) 1 of each 2, 3 & 4mm Patella Spacer (6 total) 1 Rapid Luxation Plate „Petite“ 5 of each 1.5mm Screw (6-20mm, 40 total) 5 of each 2.0mm Screw (6-26mm, 55 total) 1 Tibia Tappet „Petite“ 1 Plate Holding Forceps 1 Tiny Sawguide with Pin & K-Wire 1 Depth Gauge 2 Drills (1.1 & 1.5mm) 2 Screw Driver Shafts (T6 & T8) 1 Screwdriver Handle 1 Drill Guide